Fun Mail


Friday, September 28, 2007

a made Fairy Godmother

Once upon a time their lived a powerful god. His name was Ra and he was the god of the sun. Ra was a very powerful god, but a very lonely god as well for he was having trouble finding true love. Until the tenth night of Hallows Eve, when at a ballroom masquerade Ra found himself drawn to a particular beauty in the room. Her name was Emily Jean and she was an Enchantress.

Ra waited patiently for the Enchantress to be introduced. His minion captured her attention and with meager accord introduced Emily Jean to Ra. Upon their meeting a spark landed upon the shoulder of the Enchantress, both she and Ra noticed how instead of absorbing into her skin it was deflected and fell to the ground. The Enchantress stood watching as it faded into the earth.

"What is it that keeps such a beautiful maiden sad?" asked the Sun God.

"Oh it is a terrible curse that has been placed upon me. An Evil Wizard, which to whom I must return before dawn," replied the Enchantress.

"Well that is many hours away. Sit down, my dear and lets share some of this great food and wine."

The Enchantress and the God enjoy exchanged great tales of triumph and woe. They become dear friends and reveal some of their secrets. The Enchantress told her tale of the Evil Wizard and in exchange heard about the malicious princess that had been invading his palace. The stories are inspirational and their bond of friendship seems to be one that could last eternity. Before she leaves, Ra explained how he wanted to free Emily Jean of the evil wizard that has her bound by spoken spell The Sun God promises to come to her when once he's figured out a clever plan.

It took some time, but eventually Ra devised a plan to free the Enchantress from the wizard. Ra decided to make Emily Jean a Fairy Godmother. Beautiful, talented, smart and helpful… the Enchantress met all the criteri. Ra's plan would work. Emily Jean would outlive the wizard and therefore his spell. Everyone knows Fairy Godmother's live longer than wizards because each time a wizard uses his Majik it ravishes their youth and ages them so. Yet some wizards, those that are wise and do not abuse their power, can reverse the aging process by using their Majik to create goodness and keep harmony in the world, much like a Fairy Godmother. There is one thing to be said about both Wizards and Fairy Godmother's the older they are the wiser they are.

Ra's plan was brilliant because the Evil Wizard was taking a path that was steadily diminishing his life-force. The Enchantress was strong. Strong enough to take on the burden of being a Fairy Godmother and still live a very long healthy life.

Late afternoon, a week before the full moon, the Sun God told the Enchantress of his plan. Excited and thrilled that she might finally be free of a curse that has haunted her the past three years, the Enchantress realizes how much she loves Ra. Later on that very same day, some of Ra's minions stop by to make final arrangements for the upcoming Harvest Fest Ball. By chance, one of Ra's minions… a great and noble Knight by the name of Sir Garebear of Care-A-Lot speaks of recent information regarding the Evil Wizard of Emily Jean. To Ra's dismay and pleasure he breaks the news to the Enchantress.

"Your Wizard is dead," spoke the God, unsure of what reaction he may receive because although he believed Emily Jean wanted to be free from him, he also knew that at one time she loved him.

Shocked, stunned and unsure of what she was feeling the Enchantress just stared into the abyss. Waiting for a response, Ra put his arm around her for comfort.

"You're right," was all she said.

The God took the Enchantress in and offered her a place to stay for whenever and however long she needed it, "My palace is your shelter and if you ever need anything of me all you have to do is ask."

"Thank you," she was so incredibly Grateful she made a promise to him, "And if my Sun God shall need anything of me, I will do everything in my power to help him." So Ra never had to use his plan against the Evil Wizard. Free to love whomever she wished she choose not to rush into the quest of finding a new love. She was so Grateful to the God Ra, she spent all of her free time by his side and pleasured him with loyal companionship.

On the eve of the new moon Ra asked Emily Jean to accompany him to the great ball. At the ball would be many Princesses from far away lands, their Knights and Wizards, and their people. There would also be Princes, Wizards, Jokers, Rovers and Warriors. Not to mention the mythical Fairies, Gypsies and Goddesses. Of course there were dangers at the festival as well. Evil Wizards, Pirates, Thieves and Vagabonds would be lurking in dark alleys. It was important as an Enchantress, Emily Jean have a valiant Knight to watch out for her. So Emily Jean accepted Ra's offer and Knighted him the first Knight of her circle.

So on the night of the Harvest Moon, in the western mountains near a lonely lake, in the hamlet of Lordsville, the Knighted God and the Enchantress arrived at the Great Ball in a great blue chariot lead by eight colorful dragons. There were seven dragons of different colors each to represent the different powers of the land, while the eighth dragon, a chameleon, was constantly changing colors and could only be seen by those who looked at it in the right light.

Upon entering the main ballroom, Emily Jean smiled at all the bright lights, colorful tapestries and Majikal music. She spun in a circle and her bright pink skirt trailed in the air behind her as she started to dance in the direction of the music.
"Wait!" Ra called out to her reaching for her hand, "We must not lose each other here."

The couple joined hands and skipped down the road, passing the vendors selling exotic foods from far away lands, over the moon lit bridge and onto a field of flowers and people, princesses and knights, queens and kings, princes and fairies, and strange creatures she did not know, all gathered and dancing in the colored lights to the sounds of band. His grace was flawless as the Sun God's rays swam in and out of the flying colored fabric dancing off the Enchantress's body. They laughed and sand and made their own beautiful music in the night.

At one point the Enchantress became preoccupied and the God hoped she was not sad, "What is wrong, my dear? Are you not enjoying yourself this evening?"

"Oh no, I am having a most splendid time. I am just puzzled and confused as to what you truly believe about me. I have been thinking when we met and of the things you spoke of. How you believed I was meant to be something more than an Enchantress. I was thinking about your offer of becoming a Fairy…" she trailed off.

"A Fairy… Godmother, you mean." Finished Ra
"Yes." Replied Emily Jean, "I was hoping to understand why you would think at one time I was worthy of such an honor and now it seems you don't. Since I was freed from the curse, I've noticed you have not brought this matter up again."

"Well," spoke Ra, "I have no illusions of your Grateness Emily Jean. I understand fully what it is you are capable of, although I do not believe you yourself, know the extent of the Grateness you will do. I apologize for not furthering the issue. I felt that if you truly were interested in being a Fairy Godmother then, you would be bound by fate to bring it up again, as you have just done so." He raised his finger to her lip to spare her voice and continued, "I know what you are going to say, and if you do trust in me, then you too know and feel the warmth deep within your heart. I speak of this warmth because that is what will guide you if you do accept my offer. Yes I still offer you the chance to be a Fairy Godmother, Emily Jean, if you promise me you want it for reasons completely unselfish."

"I think my reasons are unselfish although I want to be quite clear what in fact unselfish means." She paused, "If I do something to help someone else and in doing so thus help myself… does that make the deed an unselfish one? Or is it perhaps that a true unselfish deed needs no reward and never to be spoken of?"

"That is an excellent question and a good one to ask as a Fairy Godmother. You know how it is important that a Fairy Godmother teaches by allowing for those to teach themselves. You have found an excellent way of doing just that."

"Wait, I'm confused," chimed in the Enchantress.

"Do you know what a riddle is?" asked the God.

"I think so."

"Well what is it?" asked Ra.

"If you know the answer to that question, why do you ask it again?" she smiled.


Ra smiled, 'Your answer fits to both our questions. There is always more than one answer to every questions and sometimes different questions have the same answer. The job of a Fairy Godmother is to help people find the right answers to the right questions. I stand by my word and believe you would be an excellent Fairy Godmother." He looked deeply into her eyes and asked the Enchantress, "Do you wish to be a Fairy Godmother, and grant the wishes of all your Fairy Children?"

"I do."

"Then follow me," whispered the God to the Enchantress.

They walked away from the music, the dancing and the crowds. They wondered off into the night towards the quietness of the lake. Stopping for a moment to enjoy the beauty of nature, the couple proceeded down the hill and arrived at the water's edge. The Sun God Ra held out his Majik Marker and raised it to the moon.

"Do you, Enchantress Emily Jean hereby swear to uphold the duties as a Fairy Godmother and help keep the cup of life flowing. Do you swear to turn that which is evil into energy that is good, to help those in need even though it may cost self sacrifice and patience, to teach and instill good morals and lessons to those who sometimes refuse, and most importantly do you swear to never purposely do malicious harm to any life force so long as you're in my light?"

Emily Jean looked into the moon, its light shining through her silky curls, and then looked into the eyes of the Sun God and said, "I do."
Then Ra nodded and waived his Majik Marker into the night air. Silver wisps and sparkles of gold flooded to the tip of his wand and jumped freely and eagerly onto the forehead of the Enchantress. Emily Jean closed her eyes, smiled and waited. When it seemed all the trails of majik had dissappated and the blackness of night returned, Emily Jean opened her eyes and received the warm, gentle light glowing from Ra's body. She was now a Fairy Godmother.

The next morning Ra spoke of the first challenge to Emily Jean

CHAPTER 2: The Tale of Two Princes

It was a beautiful morning and not a cloud in the sky. The radiant sun shone down especially bright on Emily Jean that day. It was her first day as a Fairy Godmother


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