It was a rainy day, similar to those that one wants to stay home, make a cup of coffee and relax, watching favorite TV program. I decided that it was a day for me when I wanted to do something different. I started going over my homework assignments, and here it was, idea of going to Dutton’s bookstore. The weather was very cold and rainy. It was not a long drive, since I live on Fulton and Oxnard, in a few minutes I was there. I parked my car and went to the bookstore. Same old and my favorite Dutton’s Bookstore.
Every time I go to Dutton’s I discover new things for my self. Every time I look at it differently. More I go more carefully I look around. I see things that are new to me, in reality there are old and they have been there forever, I did not pay enough attention to them last time.
As I walked in to Dutton’s this time, first thing that caught my eye was a book called “Life is a movie”. Isn’t that right? Our whole life is a movie. Then I went to music section, where they had all the music books. That was time when I realized that there was music playing in the bookstore. It matched with the environment perfectly. They had classical music on, which made the environment of the bookstore even more comfortable. This time I looked around and asked my self, “What do I see new this time?” One might think that after visiting the same bookstore too many times, you won’t find anything new. That doesn’t apply to Dutton’s. Each time I go there is something new there.
This time I was amazed by a picture that they had on a wall. I was looking around and something very colorful caught my eye. It was a beautiful picture hanging on the wall, hidden in the back by some boxes where nobody would even think to look for books. I didn’t quiet understand what it was but to me it was an island. It was very different picture, one of those that you have to look at carefully to find a meaning in it. Dutton’s is very unique not only because of the books that they have but because those entire different things that one might see, if they only let their imagination free.
While I was at Dutton’s I didn’t think about time. I did not know how long I have been there. It was one of those cases when you don’t care about time. When I realized that I had never looked at my watch, I started to look for a clock at Dutton’s. I was surprised, it was right in front of me, all that time, but I have never looked at it. Walls of books don’t let you see the clock. You forget about time as soon as you walk in to the bookstore. The time becomes unimportant.
Books in my opinion should be defined as magical instruments. When a person reads a book he or she can experience an enchanting and beautiful ride through a wonderland of dreams. Books help us dreamers keep dreaming, and bookstores are certainly keeping history alive. Some of us collect books; books that we always want to read but never seem to have time for. Every book that we read is a history: of life, of love or of the world that we live in. Every time a person reads a book, he or she creates the environment, the characters and overall the whole world of that story in their mind. Every person’s imagination is unique. While reading the book, we look at the story from different sides; it’s as if we are in the story but invisible.
Dutton’s bookstore has become one of my favorite places. It helps me to bring back memories from my homeland, from Yerevan, and like William Wallis says in his Dutton’s Books poem, “Pile of books and prints are vague mirrors where/ The film of the memory stretched behind you appears”(p 7). Dutton’s is an amazing bookstore, one of those that I have had in my country. I hope that Dutton’s bookstore lives forever and bring joys and happiness to all our lives. I would definitely recommend Dutton’s bookstore to people who haven’t been there yet. They should visit Dutton’s for their own challenge and knowledge.
Friday, September 28, 2007
a made Fairy Godmother
Once upon a time their lived a powerful god. His name was Ra and he was the god of the sun. Ra was a very powerful god, but a very lonely god as well for he was having trouble finding true love. Until the tenth night of Hallows Eve, when at a ballroom masquerade Ra found himself drawn to a particular beauty in the room. Her name was Emily Jean and she was an Enchantress.
Ra waited patiently for the Enchantress to be introduced. His minion captured her attention and with meager accord introduced Emily Jean to Ra. Upon their meeting a spark landed upon the shoulder of the Enchantress, both she and Ra noticed how instead of absorbing into her skin it was deflected and fell to the ground. The Enchantress stood watching as it faded into the earth.
"What is it that keeps such a beautiful maiden sad?" asked the Sun God.
"Oh it is a terrible curse that has been placed upon me. An Evil Wizard, which to whom I must return before dawn," replied the Enchantress.
"Well that is many hours away. Sit down, my dear and lets share some of this great food and wine."
The Enchantress and the God enjoy exchanged great tales of triumph and woe. They become dear friends and reveal some of their secrets. The Enchantress told her tale of the Evil Wizard and in exchange heard about the malicious princess that had been invading his palace. The stories are inspirational and their bond of friendship seems to be one that could last eternity. Before she leaves, Ra explained how he wanted to free Emily Jean of the evil wizard that has her bound by spoken spell The Sun God promises to come to her when once he's figured out a clever plan.
It took some time, but eventually Ra devised a plan to free the Enchantress from the wizard. Ra decided to make Emily Jean a Fairy Godmother. Beautiful, talented, smart and helpful… the Enchantress met all the criteri. Ra's plan would work. Emily Jean would outlive the wizard and therefore his spell. Everyone knows Fairy Godmother's live longer than wizards because each time a wizard uses his Majik it ravishes their youth and ages them so. Yet some wizards, those that are wise and do not abuse their power, can reverse the aging process by using their Majik to create goodness and keep harmony in the world, much like a Fairy Godmother. There is one thing to be said about both Wizards and Fairy Godmother's the older they are the wiser they are.
Ra's plan was brilliant because the Evil Wizard was taking a path that was steadily diminishing his life-force. The Enchantress was strong. Strong enough to take on the burden of being a Fairy Godmother and still live a very long healthy life.
Late afternoon, a week before the full moon, the Sun God told the Enchantress of his plan. Excited and thrilled that she might finally be free of a curse that has haunted her the past three years, the Enchantress realizes how much she loves Ra. Later on that very same day, some of Ra's minions stop by to make final arrangements for the upcoming Harvest Fest Ball. By chance, one of Ra's minions… a great and noble Knight by the name of Sir Garebear of Care-A-Lot speaks of recent information regarding the Evil Wizard of Emily Jean. To Ra's dismay and pleasure he breaks the news to the Enchantress.
"Your Wizard is dead," spoke the God, unsure of what reaction he may receive because although he believed Emily Jean wanted to be free from him, he also knew that at one time she loved him.
Shocked, stunned and unsure of what she was feeling the Enchantress just stared into the abyss. Waiting for a response, Ra put his arm around her for comfort.
"You're right," was all she said.
The God took the Enchantress in and offered her a place to stay for whenever and however long she needed it, "My palace is your shelter and if you ever need anything of me all you have to do is ask."
"Thank you," she was so incredibly Grateful she made a promise to him, "And if my Sun God shall need anything of me, I will do everything in my power to help him." So Ra never had to use his plan against the Evil Wizard. Free to love whomever she wished she choose not to rush into the quest of finding a new love. She was so Grateful to the God Ra, she spent all of her free time by his side and pleasured him with loyal companionship.
On the eve of the new moon Ra asked Emily Jean to accompany him to the great ball. At the ball would be many Princesses from far away lands, their Knights and Wizards, and their people. There would also be Princes, Wizards, Jokers, Rovers and Warriors. Not to mention the mythical Fairies, Gypsies and Goddesses. Of course there were dangers at the festival as well. Evil Wizards, Pirates, Thieves and Vagabonds would be lurking in dark alleys. It was important as an Enchantress, Emily Jean have a valiant Knight to watch out for her. So Emily Jean accepted Ra's offer and Knighted him the first Knight of her circle.
So on the night of the Harvest Moon, in the western mountains near a lonely lake, in the hamlet of Lordsville, the Knighted God and the Enchantress arrived at the Great Ball in a great blue chariot lead by eight colorful dragons. There were seven dragons of different colors each to represent the different powers of the land, while the eighth dragon, a chameleon, was constantly changing colors and could only be seen by those who looked at it in the right light.
Upon entering the main ballroom, Emily Jean smiled at all the bright lights, colorful tapestries and Majikal music. She spun in a circle and her bright pink skirt trailed in the air behind her as she started to dance in the direction of the music.
"Wait!" Ra called out to her reaching for her hand, "We must not lose each other here."
The couple joined hands and skipped down the road, passing the vendors selling exotic foods from far away lands, over the moon lit bridge and onto a field of flowers and people, princesses and knights, queens and kings, princes and fairies, and strange creatures she did not know, all gathered and dancing in the colored lights to the sounds of band. His grace was flawless as the Sun God's rays swam in and out of the flying colored fabric dancing off the Enchantress's body. They laughed and sand and made their own beautiful music in the night.
At one point the Enchantress became preoccupied and the God hoped she was not sad, "What is wrong, my dear? Are you not enjoying yourself this evening?"
"Oh no, I am having a most splendid time. I am just puzzled and confused as to what you truly believe about me. I have been thinking when we met and of the things you spoke of. How you believed I was meant to be something more than an Enchantress. I was thinking about your offer of becoming a Fairy…" she trailed off.
"A Fairy… Godmother, you mean." Finished Ra
"Yes." Replied Emily Jean, "I was hoping to understand why you would think at one time I was worthy of such an honor and now it seems you don't. Since I was freed from the curse, I've noticed you have not brought this matter up again."
"Well," spoke Ra, "I have no illusions of your Grateness Emily Jean. I understand fully what it is you are capable of, although I do not believe you yourself, know the extent of the Grateness you will do. I apologize for not furthering the issue. I felt that if you truly were interested in being a Fairy Godmother then, you would be bound by fate to bring it up again, as you have just done so." He raised his finger to her lip to spare her voice and continued, "I know what you are going to say, and if you do trust in me, then you too know and feel the warmth deep within your heart. I speak of this warmth because that is what will guide you if you do accept my offer. Yes I still offer you the chance to be a Fairy Godmother, Emily Jean, if you promise me you want it for reasons completely unselfish."
"I think my reasons are unselfish although I want to be quite clear what in fact unselfish means." She paused, "If I do something to help someone else and in doing so thus help myself… does that make the deed an unselfish one? Or is it perhaps that a true unselfish deed needs no reward and never to be spoken of?"
"That is an excellent question and a good one to ask as a Fairy Godmother. You know how it is important that a Fairy Godmother teaches by allowing for those to teach themselves. You have found an excellent way of doing just that."
"Wait, I'm confused," chimed in the Enchantress.
"Do you know what a riddle is?" asked the God.
"I think so."
"Well what is it?" asked Ra.
"If you know the answer to that question, why do you ask it again?" she smiled.
Ra smiled, 'Your answer fits to both our questions. There is always more than one answer to every questions and sometimes different questions have the same answer. The job of a Fairy Godmother is to help people find the right answers to the right questions. I stand by my word and believe you would be an excellent Fairy Godmother." He looked deeply into her eyes and asked the Enchantress, "Do you wish to be a Fairy Godmother, and grant the wishes of all your Fairy Children?"
"I do."
"Then follow me," whispered the God to the Enchantress.
They walked away from the music, the dancing and the crowds. They wondered off into the night towards the quietness of the lake. Stopping for a moment to enjoy the beauty of nature, the couple proceeded down the hill and arrived at the water's edge. The Sun God Ra held out his Majik Marker and raised it to the moon.
"Do you, Enchantress Emily Jean hereby swear to uphold the duties as a Fairy Godmother and help keep the cup of life flowing. Do you swear to turn that which is evil into energy that is good, to help those in need even though it may cost self sacrifice and patience, to teach and instill good morals and lessons to those who sometimes refuse, and most importantly do you swear to never purposely do malicious harm to any life force so long as you're in my light?"
Emily Jean looked into the moon, its light shining through her silky curls, and then looked into the eyes of the Sun God and said, "I do."
Then Ra nodded and waived his Majik Marker into the night air. Silver wisps and sparkles of gold flooded to the tip of his wand and jumped freely and eagerly onto the forehead of the Enchantress. Emily Jean closed her eyes, smiled and waited. When it seemed all the trails of majik had dissappated and the blackness of night returned, Emily Jean opened her eyes and received the warm, gentle light glowing from Ra's body. She was now a Fairy Godmother.
The next morning Ra spoke of the first challenge to Emily Jean
CHAPTER 2: The Tale of Two Princes
It was a beautiful morning and not a cloud in the sky. The radiant sun shone down especially bright on Emily Jean that day. It was her first day as a Fairy Godmother
Ra waited patiently for the Enchantress to be introduced. His minion captured her attention and with meager accord introduced Emily Jean to Ra. Upon their meeting a spark landed upon the shoulder of the Enchantress, both she and Ra noticed how instead of absorbing into her skin it was deflected and fell to the ground. The Enchantress stood watching as it faded into the earth.
"What is it that keeps such a beautiful maiden sad?" asked the Sun God.
"Oh it is a terrible curse that has been placed upon me. An Evil Wizard, which to whom I must return before dawn," replied the Enchantress.
"Well that is many hours away. Sit down, my dear and lets share some of this great food and wine."
The Enchantress and the God enjoy exchanged great tales of triumph and woe. They become dear friends and reveal some of their secrets. The Enchantress told her tale of the Evil Wizard and in exchange heard about the malicious princess that had been invading his palace. The stories are inspirational and their bond of friendship seems to be one that could last eternity. Before she leaves, Ra explained how he wanted to free Emily Jean of the evil wizard that has her bound by spoken spell The Sun God promises to come to her when once he's figured out a clever plan.
It took some time, but eventually Ra devised a plan to free the Enchantress from the wizard. Ra decided to make Emily Jean a Fairy Godmother. Beautiful, talented, smart and helpful… the Enchantress met all the criteri. Ra's plan would work. Emily Jean would outlive the wizard and therefore his spell. Everyone knows Fairy Godmother's live longer than wizards because each time a wizard uses his Majik it ravishes their youth and ages them so. Yet some wizards, those that are wise and do not abuse their power, can reverse the aging process by using their Majik to create goodness and keep harmony in the world, much like a Fairy Godmother. There is one thing to be said about both Wizards and Fairy Godmother's the older they are the wiser they are.
Ra's plan was brilliant because the Evil Wizard was taking a path that was steadily diminishing his life-force. The Enchantress was strong. Strong enough to take on the burden of being a Fairy Godmother and still live a very long healthy life.
Late afternoon, a week before the full moon, the Sun God told the Enchantress of his plan. Excited and thrilled that she might finally be free of a curse that has haunted her the past three years, the Enchantress realizes how much she loves Ra. Later on that very same day, some of Ra's minions stop by to make final arrangements for the upcoming Harvest Fest Ball. By chance, one of Ra's minions… a great and noble Knight by the name of Sir Garebear of Care-A-Lot speaks of recent information regarding the Evil Wizard of Emily Jean. To Ra's dismay and pleasure he breaks the news to the Enchantress.
"Your Wizard is dead," spoke the God, unsure of what reaction he may receive because although he believed Emily Jean wanted to be free from him, he also knew that at one time she loved him.
Shocked, stunned and unsure of what she was feeling the Enchantress just stared into the abyss. Waiting for a response, Ra put his arm around her for comfort.
"You're right," was all she said.
The God took the Enchantress in and offered her a place to stay for whenever and however long she needed it, "My palace is your shelter and if you ever need anything of me all you have to do is ask."
"Thank you," she was so incredibly Grateful she made a promise to him, "And if my Sun God shall need anything of me, I will do everything in my power to help him." So Ra never had to use his plan against the Evil Wizard. Free to love whomever she wished she choose not to rush into the quest of finding a new love. She was so Grateful to the God Ra, she spent all of her free time by his side and pleasured him with loyal companionship.
On the eve of the new moon Ra asked Emily Jean to accompany him to the great ball. At the ball would be many Princesses from far away lands, their Knights and Wizards, and their people. There would also be Princes, Wizards, Jokers, Rovers and Warriors. Not to mention the mythical Fairies, Gypsies and Goddesses. Of course there were dangers at the festival as well. Evil Wizards, Pirates, Thieves and Vagabonds would be lurking in dark alleys. It was important as an Enchantress, Emily Jean have a valiant Knight to watch out for her. So Emily Jean accepted Ra's offer and Knighted him the first Knight of her circle.
So on the night of the Harvest Moon, in the western mountains near a lonely lake, in the hamlet of Lordsville, the Knighted God and the Enchantress arrived at the Great Ball in a great blue chariot lead by eight colorful dragons. There were seven dragons of different colors each to represent the different powers of the land, while the eighth dragon, a chameleon, was constantly changing colors and could only be seen by those who looked at it in the right light.
Upon entering the main ballroom, Emily Jean smiled at all the bright lights, colorful tapestries and Majikal music. She spun in a circle and her bright pink skirt trailed in the air behind her as she started to dance in the direction of the music.
"Wait!" Ra called out to her reaching for her hand, "We must not lose each other here."
The couple joined hands and skipped down the road, passing the vendors selling exotic foods from far away lands, over the moon lit bridge and onto a field of flowers and people, princesses and knights, queens and kings, princes and fairies, and strange creatures she did not know, all gathered and dancing in the colored lights to the sounds of band. His grace was flawless as the Sun God's rays swam in and out of the flying colored fabric dancing off the Enchantress's body. They laughed and sand and made their own beautiful music in the night.
At one point the Enchantress became preoccupied and the God hoped she was not sad, "What is wrong, my dear? Are you not enjoying yourself this evening?"
"Oh no, I am having a most splendid time. I am just puzzled and confused as to what you truly believe about me. I have been thinking when we met and of the things you spoke of. How you believed I was meant to be something more than an Enchantress. I was thinking about your offer of becoming a Fairy…" she trailed off.
"A Fairy… Godmother, you mean." Finished Ra
"Yes." Replied Emily Jean, "I was hoping to understand why you would think at one time I was worthy of such an honor and now it seems you don't. Since I was freed from the curse, I've noticed you have not brought this matter up again."
"Well," spoke Ra, "I have no illusions of your Grateness Emily Jean. I understand fully what it is you are capable of, although I do not believe you yourself, know the extent of the Grateness you will do. I apologize for not furthering the issue. I felt that if you truly were interested in being a Fairy Godmother then, you would be bound by fate to bring it up again, as you have just done so." He raised his finger to her lip to spare her voice and continued, "I know what you are going to say, and if you do trust in me, then you too know and feel the warmth deep within your heart. I speak of this warmth because that is what will guide you if you do accept my offer. Yes I still offer you the chance to be a Fairy Godmother, Emily Jean, if you promise me you want it for reasons completely unselfish."
"I think my reasons are unselfish although I want to be quite clear what in fact unselfish means." She paused, "If I do something to help someone else and in doing so thus help myself… does that make the deed an unselfish one? Or is it perhaps that a true unselfish deed needs no reward and never to be spoken of?"
"That is an excellent question and a good one to ask as a Fairy Godmother. You know how it is important that a Fairy Godmother teaches by allowing for those to teach themselves. You have found an excellent way of doing just that."
"Wait, I'm confused," chimed in the Enchantress.
"Do you know what a riddle is?" asked the God.
"I think so."
"Well what is it?" asked Ra.
"If you know the answer to that question, why do you ask it again?" she smiled.
Ra smiled, 'Your answer fits to both our questions. There is always more than one answer to every questions and sometimes different questions have the same answer. The job of a Fairy Godmother is to help people find the right answers to the right questions. I stand by my word and believe you would be an excellent Fairy Godmother." He looked deeply into her eyes and asked the Enchantress, "Do you wish to be a Fairy Godmother, and grant the wishes of all your Fairy Children?"
"I do."
"Then follow me," whispered the God to the Enchantress.
They walked away from the music, the dancing and the crowds. They wondered off into the night towards the quietness of the lake. Stopping for a moment to enjoy the beauty of nature, the couple proceeded down the hill and arrived at the water's edge. The Sun God Ra held out his Majik Marker and raised it to the moon.
"Do you, Enchantress Emily Jean hereby swear to uphold the duties as a Fairy Godmother and help keep the cup of life flowing. Do you swear to turn that which is evil into energy that is good, to help those in need even though it may cost self sacrifice and patience, to teach and instill good morals and lessons to those who sometimes refuse, and most importantly do you swear to never purposely do malicious harm to any life force so long as you're in my light?"
Emily Jean looked into the moon, its light shining through her silky curls, and then looked into the eyes of the Sun God and said, "I do."
Then Ra nodded and waived his Majik Marker into the night air. Silver wisps and sparkles of gold flooded to the tip of his wand and jumped freely and eagerly onto the forehead of the Enchantress. Emily Jean closed her eyes, smiled and waited. When it seemed all the trails of majik had dissappated and the blackness of night returned, Emily Jean opened her eyes and received the warm, gentle light glowing from Ra's body. She was now a Fairy Godmother.
The next morning Ra spoke of the first challenge to Emily Jean
CHAPTER 2: The Tale of Two Princes
It was a beautiful morning and not a cloud in the sky. The radiant sun shone down especially bright on Emily Jean that day. It was her first day as a Fairy Godmother
That was when I hit the fucker. I hit him hard and square on the bridge of the nose; with a hammer, and watched in delight as his funny, laughing face caved in and gushed red-black blood.
I smiled, knowing that I had finally killed him.
And that was when he started laughing at me, his wicked pink plastic face melding back together from the blow I'd dealt him. Giggling as I let out a deep sigh and reached for the hacksaw amidst the pile of torture implements scattered on the table.
I bought him for my daughter's fourth birthday.
I remember walking into the toy section of Wal-Mart, sweating under those phosphorescent lights as I turned a corner and faced a thousand "My Pal" dolls smiling deviantly from the windows of their bright pink boxes. Out of the corners of my eyes I even saw them turn their tiny heads and grin at me through little pairs of fangs as I walked past them.
Fuck, I hate them!
Ever since I was a kid, I was all too aware of the truth behind dolls.
I was five and my parents had let me stay up late to watch "Fantasy Island" on T.V. You know, the one with the midget named "Tattoo"? And in that episode I was made aware that dolls came to life a midnight and ran amok.
I took the hacksaw in my hand and pondered over the little guy bound in the tiny red plastic chair where he had been drinking tea next to the teddy bear before my wife and daughter went to church.
Fucking dolls!
Forget what you think you know about dolls.
Never mind that bear, he's okay in my book and he doesn't say much; but dolls .... They sleep during the day and wake up when everyone is asleep. Plastic ones, porcelain (those are the worst!), cloth, wood or whatever, the whole lot of them come to life at night like the little vampires they really are.
Forget the hacksaw!
They walk around houses and streets at night doing god knows what! I think they even have their own social system.
I plug in the skill-saw, open the throttle full bore and taunt the blade at Pal's face as I grin over him.
"Now you're really gonna get it!" I cackle.
I swear it! Remember when you were a little kid and you used to talk to your toys? They'd answer you back, wouldn't they? Don't tell me that they didn't because you and I both know that they did!
I put the saw up to Pal's neck and he starts to scream as the blade rips through his chin and bright red, blood mingled, pink plastic sawdust sprays the room and I grin as Pal's head falls off the bloody pink stump of his neck onto the floor. I give his head a strong kick for good measure and watch it streak across the playroom and bounce off the wall.
"Take that, pal!" I laugh, and downstairs I go to grab a cold one after a hard day's work. I slump in my chair and click on the tube to watch baseball, but quickly change it to "In Search Of ..." hosted by "Spock" from Star Trek when a "Talking Tina" commercial comes on.
I must have drifted off to sleep from the boredom.
It was dark outside when I awoke and saw the car keys on the table and could hear my wife loudly snoring in bed. I checked my watch.
It was 12:02.
I crept up the stairs quietly and gently pushed on the half open door of my daughter's room.
My daughter was sleeping quietly and there clutched in her tiny arms was Pal. He slowly turned his head, grinned at me with a mouthful of sharp teeth and gave me a short, knowing wave with his tiny arm.
I let out a deep sigh, felt a knot in my stomach and slowly closed the door.
Tonight I won't sleep, and maybe tomorrow I'll have to try the garbage disposal.
I smiled, knowing that I had finally killed him.
And that was when he started laughing at me, his wicked pink plastic face melding back together from the blow I'd dealt him. Giggling as I let out a deep sigh and reached for the hacksaw amidst the pile of torture implements scattered on the table.
I bought him for my daughter's fourth birthday.
I remember walking into the toy section of Wal-Mart, sweating under those phosphorescent lights as I turned a corner and faced a thousand "My Pal" dolls smiling deviantly from the windows of their bright pink boxes. Out of the corners of my eyes I even saw them turn their tiny heads and grin at me through little pairs of fangs as I walked past them.
Fuck, I hate them!
Ever since I was a kid, I was all too aware of the truth behind dolls.
I was five and my parents had let me stay up late to watch "Fantasy Island" on T.V. You know, the one with the midget named "Tattoo"? And in that episode I was made aware that dolls came to life a midnight and ran amok.
I took the hacksaw in my hand and pondered over the little guy bound in the tiny red plastic chair where he had been drinking tea next to the teddy bear before my wife and daughter went to church.
Fucking dolls!
Forget what you think you know about dolls.
Never mind that bear, he's okay in my book and he doesn't say much; but dolls .... They sleep during the day and wake up when everyone is asleep. Plastic ones, porcelain (those are the worst!), cloth, wood or whatever, the whole lot of them come to life at night like the little vampires they really are.
Forget the hacksaw!
They walk around houses and streets at night doing god knows what! I think they even have their own social system.
I plug in the skill-saw, open the throttle full bore and taunt the blade at Pal's face as I grin over him.
"Now you're really gonna get it!" I cackle.
I swear it! Remember when you were a little kid and you used to talk to your toys? They'd answer you back, wouldn't they? Don't tell me that they didn't because you and I both know that they did!
I put the saw up to Pal's neck and he starts to scream as the blade rips through his chin and bright red, blood mingled, pink plastic sawdust sprays the room and I grin as Pal's head falls off the bloody pink stump of his neck onto the floor. I give his head a strong kick for good measure and watch it streak across the playroom and bounce off the wall.
"Take that, pal!" I laugh, and downstairs I go to grab a cold one after a hard day's work. I slump in my chair and click on the tube to watch baseball, but quickly change it to "In Search Of ..." hosted by "Spock" from Star Trek when a "Talking Tina" commercial comes on.
I must have drifted off to sleep from the boredom.
It was dark outside when I awoke and saw the car keys on the table and could hear my wife loudly snoring in bed. I checked my watch.
It was 12:02.
I crept up the stairs quietly and gently pushed on the half open door of my daughter's room.
My daughter was sleeping quietly and there clutched in her tiny arms was Pal. He slowly turned his head, grinned at me with a mouthful of sharp teeth and gave me a short, knowing wave with his tiny arm.
I let out a deep sigh, felt a knot in my stomach and slowly closed the door.
Tonight I won't sleep, and maybe tomorrow I'll have to try the garbage disposal.
She's From: United States
He's From: United States
I was a thief and a hero: an odd mix of criminal and nobility... Usually kind and courteous - fiercely loyal to those close to me.
was pretty handy with a dagger and steadily becoming more and more ruthless when it came to correcting what I would call 'attitude' problems in those young upstarts who seemed to be flooding the lands of late.
He was a complete rogue. I dare say his dagger skills needed a lot of polish but I secretly admired his boldness. Still he was obnoxious and usually drunk and almost as irritating to me as he must have been to the gods. I had joined his clan now - so killing him was no longer an option... I would have to learn to put up with him. .
And that's how I met my husband.
No, it really is. In 1998 I found myself a divorced mother of two children under the age of two. Between work and childcare it was virtually impossible to have a 'real' social life. Fortunately for me, I was handy with a computer. I also had always really liked playing games - video games, board games, role playing games... Any kind of game.
admit I frequented some chat rooms in the beginning - being starved for social contact... And there I made some really good friends - one of which inadvertently introduced me to the game that would change my life. The game was a text-based multi-player role-playing (lots of hyphens there!) thing - with a mildly medieval setting. The thing is addictive, I tell you. I had been playing for a year and my character had just become a hero (the highest achievable level in the game at the time) when I met him. And that's where the above story begins.
We were in this virtual world together.. Playing next to one another night after night... Our characters clashed in the most fantastic way. Others commented on the tension between us - like two characters in a fantasy novel.. You know - the ones you're constantly urging to get together while you're reading? As our characters grew closer (reluctantly at first but you can't always choose your allies too carefully when rushing out to slay a dragon) the most amazing thing happened.. we began to get to know one another... Not just the character but the person playing the character and we started to fall in love. The change became rather apparent in our characters as well and people began seeing us roaming together and wreaking havoc wherever we could. Suddenly a team - our characters were married by the gods in January of 2000.
In the meantime, we had met in person several times - in spite of the fact that he lived almost 1000 miles away. We instantly clicked and felt very comfortable with one another. We enjoyed one another's company as much in person as we had online - in spite of the fact that each of us were so very different from our game characters... Maybe BECAUSE we were so different. We often joke now that our alter-egos met each other first. Now let me tell you, that's something that everyone should try at least once.
In January of 2001 he relocated to be closer to us and in March of 2001 we were married in real life. Later that year, he adopted both of the children. Now, just over two years later we're expecting our first child together in November. We networked our computers... and yes sometimes we return to our medieval land together and play when we get the chance. We're best friends and still totally in love and I still can't believe we met! I grin when people ask me how we met and am always happy to tell the story... We literally met in a fairy-tale world - and now we live together in complete peace and happiness in a way that puts the fairy-tales to shame.
He's From: United States
I was a thief and a hero: an odd mix of criminal and nobility... Usually kind and courteous - fiercely loyal to those close to me.
was pretty handy with a dagger and steadily becoming more and more ruthless when it came to correcting what I would call 'attitude' problems in those young upstarts who seemed to be flooding the lands of late.
He was a complete rogue. I dare say his dagger skills needed a lot of polish but I secretly admired his boldness. Still he was obnoxious and usually drunk and almost as irritating to me as he must have been to the gods. I had joined his clan now - so killing him was no longer an option... I would have to learn to put up with him. .
And that's how I met my husband.
No, it really is. In 1998 I found myself a divorced mother of two children under the age of two. Between work and childcare it was virtually impossible to have a 'real' social life. Fortunately for me, I was handy with a computer. I also had always really liked playing games - video games, board games, role playing games... Any kind of game.
admit I frequented some chat rooms in the beginning - being starved for social contact... And there I made some really good friends - one of which inadvertently introduced me to the game that would change my life. The game was a text-based multi-player role-playing (lots of hyphens there!) thing - with a mildly medieval setting. The thing is addictive, I tell you. I had been playing for a year and my character had just become a hero (the highest achievable level in the game at the time) when I met him. And that's where the above story begins.
We were in this virtual world together.. Playing next to one another night after night... Our characters clashed in the most fantastic way. Others commented on the tension between us - like two characters in a fantasy novel.. You know - the ones you're constantly urging to get together while you're reading? As our characters grew closer (reluctantly at first but you can't always choose your allies too carefully when rushing out to slay a dragon) the most amazing thing happened.. we began to get to know one another... Not just the character but the person playing the character and we started to fall in love. The change became rather apparent in our characters as well and people began seeing us roaming together and wreaking havoc wherever we could. Suddenly a team - our characters were married by the gods in January of 2000.
In the meantime, we had met in person several times - in spite of the fact that he lived almost 1000 miles away. We instantly clicked and felt very comfortable with one another. We enjoyed one another's company as much in person as we had online - in spite of the fact that each of us were so very different from our game characters... Maybe BECAUSE we were so different. We often joke now that our alter-egos met each other first. Now let me tell you, that's something that everyone should try at least once.
In January of 2001 he relocated to be closer to us and in March of 2001 we were married in real life. Later that year, he adopted both of the children. Now, just over two years later we're expecting our first child together in November. We networked our computers... and yes sometimes we return to our medieval land together and play when we get the chance. We're best friends and still totally in love and I still can't believe we met! I grin when people ask me how we met and am always happy to tell the story... We literally met in a fairy-tale world - and now we live together in complete peace and happiness in a way that puts the fairy-tales to shame.
Natalie & Clayton

She's From: United Kingdom
He's From: United States
Clayton and I met via AOL Instant messenger back in 1999. We were friends for a good year before we became a couple back in early April 2000. We finally met in person in August 2001.
Neither of us were expecting to fall in love online, but yet here we are telling you our story. This is the story of our first meeting.
It was an early morning of August 6th, a sharp ringing woke me up; I stumbled for the phone on my nightstand.
“Hello” I answered in my sleepy voice
“Hi baby time to get up and catch a plane” I smiled and woke up slowly, knowing that soon I would be in the arms of someone I loved so much. I said goodnight to Clayton, and got ready for the long journey ahead of me. My sister Sarah was picking me up along with my mother. I’d never flown before, and this was such a major step for me to take. Flying half way across the world, on my own to meet someone I’d never met before. And what made it worse was that I had to change flights in Copenhagen, I was taking a big risk.
But I knew I’d be all right somehow I just knew everything would be ok. Although the other part of me was literally terrified, scared that Clayton wouldn’t like me once we met and vice versa too.
After a 2hr drive with my mother and sister we got to Birmingham Airport. With mixed emotions I checked my luggage in. I looked down at my watch, 10am less than an hour and I’d be flying. I sat in the cafeteria with a luke-warm coffee, I looked over at my mother, who was watching the planes take off. The look in her eyes told me that she was so excited for me. And from that moment I knew this wasn’t a dream, I was actually going to be boarding my first flight in 45mins. A tear started to roll down my cheek, I felt scared and alone. I cried even harder as I leaned over and hugged my mother tightly.
“I don’t want to go now.” I sobbed. My sister smiled at my mother and said
“I thought you’d be in tears before her” I wiped my wet eyes and took a deep breath my mother said.
“Look you can do this, you’ve been looking forward to this for so long. It’s a chance of a life time to go to the States, you’ll be fine.” I smiled and hugged her tightly, tears from my mother started to fall, but yet she didn’t realize that what she had just said made me feel warm and happy inside.
Finally my flight was called; I slowly walked over to the boarding area. I hugged my mother and sister. And gave my passport and ticket to the man standing there, I turned round and waved goodbye for the last time. Tears swelled my eyes again as I walked through to check my hand luggage. I walked down the corridor into the boarding lounge. I handed my passport and ticket, and I walked down the long tunnel and onto my first plane, bound for Copenhagen. I sat there with my seatbelt fastened I watched the ground slowly disappear, and then quickly replaced with sky and fluffy white clouds, it was amazing.
I arrived in Copenhagen a little lost, but somewhat excited. I found my next flight easy, so much easier than I thought it would be. In fact I got there an hour earlier than I was suppose too. Time went by and I handed my passport and ticket to be checked, I walked onto my second flight bound for Seattle. A 10hr flight later and I walked off into Customs, the line was long, and I slowly walked over to a booth where my passport was stamped. Yaay I had a stamp on my passport! I slowly boarded a Transit Train, which took me to collect my luggage; I didn’t know where to go from there so I stood still. I noticed everyone going up the escalator in front of me. I walked a little to the escalator and I saw a familiar face, Clayton was standing right at the top. I walked on and watched Clayton move towards me, as the stairs moved to the top. I smiled and tried to speak but I couldn’t my mouth was so dry and I was so tired. He handed me a single red rose and I smiled, as I smelled the flower.
“Mmm, thank you it’s beautiful.” He caressed my cheek and said “No you're beautiful, come here I need a hug.” He wrapped his arms around me tightly, and tingles ran through my whole body I smiled, as we held each other for a good ten minutes it was perfect. Finally I was with the guy I had fallen in love with, he raised my chin and kissed me deeply. As we kissed, our first kiss, I knew that things were just as they should be.
We collected my luggage and walked back to his car, the atmosphere between us was amazing I couldn’t stop giggling and he couldn’t stop holding my hand. All my fears I had at the very beginning had vanished. I know Clayton loves me for me and I love him for him. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The whole 2wks were the best of my life every day was perfect, he made everyday all the more special. Especially the day when we went on a Cruise to Victoria Canada, he proposed with a gorgeous engagement ring, and I accepted. I know Clayton is the one I am truly meant to be with and share my life with to the full; it’s funny how it all started over an IM 6 years ago. We were married 6 July 2004.
Monday, September 24, 2007
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